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Established in 1973, we are dedicated in the logistic agency. For these years, our team provides professional and efficient service for shipping companies, which gains the trust from companies and ship owners and also keeps our business growing stable.
Our business includes all kinds of ship/vessel, as bulk carrier, general cargo ship, full container ship, semi container ship, crude oil tanker, chemical oil ship, cable laying ship, dredging ship (dredger), maritime engineering boat and salvage ship, etc...
Our team has professional manager with more than 30 years of experience in the boat/ship business and other assistants all work more than 5 years in related business. We establish long years of relationship with the Custom and Harbor staffs, also the docking labors and container related person, and ready to offer 24 hours for dealing shipping and load/unload goods.
Our business involves apply the matters of entering in/out the harbor for all kinds of boat/ship, import/export.
Address:7F., No.4, Jhongjheng Rd., Jhongjheng Dist., Keelung City 202, Taiwan (R.O.C.) Tel:886-2-24232116 Fax:886-2-24287344 E-mail:huatai@ms14.hinet.net
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